Welcome to my world!

Six years ago, I found my birth family, culture, and my identity. This journey home has had a profound impact on my life. It has made me realise how vital it is for you to know how valuable you are, and the way I can help you to experience this, is through making beautiful artworks.

I have been painting & exhibiting for 30 years. My artwork is lavish in colour and extravagant in style. I create a range of acrylic and mixed media paintings from small affordable gift sizes, to large statement pieces that will impact the atmosphere of your home.

With every piece that I create, I infuse a sense of hope, freedom, and courage. It is a tangible presence felt through the colour and beauty of my original paintings.

Step into my Studio and allow me to unleash your creativity. I have been teaching art classes for over 20 years. Designed to connect you with your own sense of self worth through the appreciation of your creative expression.

Watch on YouTube, join me on Skillshare , or for a more personal experience, come and connect with me face to face on Patreon. I know you are going to love this!

Article from Aotearoa New Zealand Artist Magazine Aug - Sept 2021

